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  • [已处理]地毯清洁,灭虫及消毒产品工厂

    联系人:简小姐 ,电话:15975363103

    发布时间:2020/6/6 14:42:35  /  需求对接类型:国际合作对接

    我司现需要地毯清洁,灭虫及消毒产品供应到香港,澳门和尼泊尔。 如有合适产品,请把公司简介和产品介绍,价格和具体描述发过来。 如有疑问,欢迎联系! 谢谢! Please find the supplier of the following cleaning equipments to supply in HK, Macau and Nepal. If there is any suitable products, please send the company brochure and product introduction ,price and details. If there is any questions, please feel free to ask. Thanks! 邮箱:yuki.jian@gurkhasgroup.com.cn;yuki.jian@hknba.org

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